JUDr. Gustáv Karika – speaking

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000103/SVK_V_PD_0000103_L_360p.mp4 JUDr. Gustav Karika (1930 – 2016) was born in Myjava, in the Roma settlement. He was one of the first lawyers of Romani origin in the former Czechoslovakia. In the narrative that was recorded on 12 May 2014 at his home in New Dubnica, he is gradually addressing both biographical and factual themes –…

Martin Kaleja-Januv – Speaking

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000131/SVK_V_PD_0000131_L_360p.mp4 Martin Kaleja-Januv (1984-) was born in a Romani settlement in Jarovnice where he lives. His relation to fine arts was built during his years in elementary school, under the guidance of Art Education teacher, Jan Sajko. He continued his studies at the Secondary School of Arts in Prešov, in the field of art carving.…

The Romani Literature Club

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000127/SVK_V_PD_0000127_L_360p.mp4 The Romani Literature Club (ROLIK) is the association of the authors of poetry and prose who are inspired by life of Roma. ROLIK was founded in 2009 in Banská Bystrica, based on the initiative of the Association of the Romani Initiatives, its founding member is Mgr. Marián Balog. The aim of the club is…

Jozef Fečo – Drawing the Portrait

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000137/SVK_V_PD_0000137_L_360p.mp4 The video documents Jozef Fečo’s artwork – drawing the portrait. The person portrayed is a prominent Romani personality – a physician, a co-founder of the International Romani Union, a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, MUDr. Ján Cibuľa, originally from Klenovec. Jozef Fečo (1993 -) is an artist of Romani origin from…

Pavel Klinec – Speaking

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000130/SVK_V_PD_0000130_L_360p.mp4 Pavel Klinec from the village Dúbravy, district of Detva, shares his memories in speaking about the life of his parents, siblings and friends during the Second World War. His speaking is based on the memories of his mother, his older brother who was 14-year-old in the meantime, as well as on his own experience…