Your Story

The project A Good Start 2 arose from the iniciative of Equalization of chances Civic Assotiation with a financial support of Roma Education fund (REF, Budapest). Implemented since 2010 as a pilot project aimed at strengthening and promoting preschool education of children from socially disadvantaged groups in locations with Roma population. Zborov is one of…

Ondrej Ruszó – The Portrait

Ondrej Ruszó is an amateur artist, living and working in a Plešivec village. He was born in Revúca. He´s running his own atelier together with artist Tibor Oláh. He´s involved into the fine arts since his childhood since elementary school. There were periods of time, when he didn´t do art at all. He says, that…


Emília Kissová, alias Babula, speaks about the habits and traditions, about the differences and specifications of the life of Vlachika Roma in Slovakia. In the six chapters she speaks about the importance of the family, about the coexistence in the families, about the engagement and wedding traditions, about the children, motherhood, about the kids´s nicknames…

Jozef Fečo – the process of painting

Jozef Fečo paints a portrait. The video documents the process of painting the said portrait. The portayed person is Joaquín Cortes, the dancer (ballet, flamenco, fusion of dancing styles), born in 1969 in Spain, well-know through his successful cooperation with many stars of current popular culture. Format: 120 cm in width, 100 cm in height.…