A Violin – the Spirit of Roma

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000018/SVK_V_PD_0000018_L_360p.mp4 The theatre performance ” A Violin, the Spirit of Roma” is conceived as a musical fairy-tale for a children, with an educational focusing, supporting the knowing and keeping the Romani tradition. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 06. 06. 2013

Newly Dress Romathan

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000082/SVK_V_PD_0000082_L_360p.mp4 The 65th premiere of Romathan Theatre was marked as in “a new dress”. Musical and dance performance was linked with a traditional Romani psalms and dances, which are the carriers of a deep idea of Romani inner feelings and felowship and which bring the audience to the world of Roma (music, dance, singing). The…

Rozvíjame komunity

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/EKOPOLIS/Rozvijame_komunity/IvaGrejtakova_RozvijameKomunity_360p.mp4 Dňa 21.10.2015 sa v Bratislave uskutočnila konferencia s názvom Áno, dá sa to!, ktorá bola zameraná na prezentovanie príkladov dobrej praxe riešenia spoločenských tém z realizovaných projektov podporených z Blokového grantu pre MVO a podporu partnerstiev švajčiarsko – slovenskej spolupráce. Jedným z podporených projektov bol projekt s názvom Rozvíjame komunity, ktorý realizovala organizácia Člověk v tísni,…

Two days with Tibor Oláh

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000105/SVK_V_PD_0000105_L_360p.mp4 Tibor Oláh is an amateur artist, living and working in Plešivec village. He was born in Detva, as one of 8 siblings. He was brought to fine arts by his brother Dušan Oláh. His favourite theme is nature – landscapes and village settlements. His work is characterized by bold colours. He paints on canvas…

“Vilko in the Forest Kingdom”

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000080/SVK_V_PD_0000080_L_360p.mp4 The Romathan Theatre presented musical fairy tale for preschool and younger school aged children, named Vilko in the Forest Kingdom. The goal of the performance is to show that a good is always needed in the world of humans. The story is placed in a forest, so the children can meet with the animals,…

Romathan – Romani men´s dance Csapash

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000085/SVK_V_PD_0000085_L.mp4 The 65th premiere of Romathan Theatre was performed in a music – dance way. The musical and dancing parts of the premiere performance were alternated in symbiosis. The preview offers the chapash dance of the dance ensemble of Romathan. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 01. 12. 2014

Romathan – Adagio

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/video/SVK_V_0000087/SVK_V_PD_0000087_L.mp4 The Romathan Theatre with its 65th premiere of the music – dance show, called Romathan in the new dress, offers the various performance of the dance and music character. One of the program components is also a song Adagio, presented by Ondrej Ferko. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 01. 12. 2014

Romathan – Star

Romathan – the song “A Star”. The Romathan Theatre with its 65th premiere of the music – dance show, called Romathan in the new dress, offers the various performance of the dance and music character. One of the program components is also a song Cherkhen, presented by Ondrej Ferko and Dáša Polláková.