Gypsy Jazz Festival

The 4th year of the Gypsy Jazz Festival, which main organizer is a well-known musician – saxofon player, composer, band leader and promoter Miloslav Suchomel was held on February 2, 2015 in Bratislava at the theater Nová Scéna. Suchomel left behind the original festival form of individual concerts and the visitors were offered a comprehensive…

Ondrej Gadžor

The photographs of a workroom of outstanding Romani woodcarver and sculptor, Ondrej Gadžor. Ondrej Gadžor (9. 7. 1956 – 19.10.2013) – the native of Krásna nad Hornádom village, began with woodcarving at the age of 24. He worked with various types of material – stone, even with horn or shells, but especially with wood. He…

Jozef Banyák

Jozef Banyák (1958) was born in Podunajské Biskupice. In 1982 he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava with MA degree in film and television direction. He speaks English, German, Hungarian, Russian and Spanish. In years 1981 – 1993 he worked in Slovak television as an assistant director, director and screenwriter. In the 1990s…

Live Book: the International Romani Day

State Scientific Library Prešov, documentation and information centre of Romani cluture, realized four events within the project „Live Books (word – video – audio)” in 2015, the project granted by the Ministry of culture of Slovak republic. The purpose was to promote outstanding Romani personalities of culture and arts, who are almost unknown to the…

Who´s the most beautiful in the world – Ko pre luma nekhšukareder

Musical fairy-tale „Who´s the most beautiful in the world – Ko pre luma nekhšukareder”, based od Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová´s text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Kosice. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 30. 04. 2013

Birdie Beadie – Chirikloro Mirikloro

Divadelné predstavenie rozprávky Vtáčatko Koráločka – Čirikloro Mirikloro, na motívy rozprávky Daniely Hivešovej-Šilanovej naštudovalo rómske profesionálne divadlo Romathan z Košíc. Predstavenie s výchovným zameraním je určené predovšetkým detskému divákovi a konalo sa v Divadle Romathan v Košiciach. copyright: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove zaznamenané: 25. 03. 2013

Folk Band – Oračkovci

Cimbalom music group “Oračkovci” comes from Holumnica, in Kežmarok county. The members of the group are a family members of a musical family with a rich tradition. Nowadays they play a folk cimbalom music in Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras). copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 03. 07. 2014

František Godla

František Godla belongs to the leading representatives of process of ethnic emancipation of Roma people in Slovakia. In 1985 he achieved the academic title PhDr. He worked as a teacher in the first place, but after functioning 26 years on Grammar school of Anton Prídavok in Sabinov, he started to deal with a subject of…

Street music

The photography catches two street musicians in the streets of centre of the city. The interprets are folk Roma singers from the village of Chminianske Jakubovany near Prešov, who perform their music on the streets, sometimes as a musical guests on various events. They sing duets, accompanied by the guitar music. copyright: State Scientific Library…