Duo Farsa – Minor Swing

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/audio/SVK_A_0000013/SVK_A_PD_0000013.mp3 Obsahom audiozáznamu je verejné vystúpenie gitarového dua, Duo Farsa. Gitarové duo hrá vlastné emotívne skladby rôznych žánrov, s prevahou španielskych rytmov, flamenca. Duo tvoria dvaja virtuózni rómski hudobníci, František Godla a Dušan Onody zo Sabinova. Skladba je hudobnou úpravou pôvodnej skladby s rovnakým názvom, ktorej autorom je Django Reinhardt. autor: Štátna vedecká knižnica v…

Duo Farsa – Fiesta

http://www.portalsvk.sk/fileadmin/audio/SVK_A_0000014/SVK_A_PD_0000014.mp3 The audio recording contains the public performance of the guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with the dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. This self composed song of pair of…


The digital object consists of 8 pieces of art work by the pupils from the Elementary School, Jarovnice 192, which were taken out and sent to the international fine arts competitions. The authors of the works are the following students: Damián Giňa (7.D), Vanesa Popušová-Giňová (5.D), Marianna Červeňáková (4.B), Jaroslava Kalejová (7.A), Jakub Popuša (4.B),…


The digital object consists of 4 pieces of art work by the pupils from the Elementary School, Jarovnice 192, which were taken out and sent to the international fine arts competitions. The authors of the works are the following students: Richard Červeňák (6.B), René Červeňák, (6.B), Kristian Bilý (4.E), Alex Giňa (7.C). The works’ motives…


The digital object consists of 7 pieces of art work by the pupils from the Elementary School, Jarovnice 192, which were taken out and sent to the international fine arts competitions. The authors of the works are the following students: Pavol Kaleja (5.A), Martin Červeňák (4.B), Mária Kukuricová (7.D), Vlasta Červeňáková (7.D), Daniel Červeňák (6.D),…

Waiting for Joy

The drawing illustrating the poem named Waiting for Joy was produced as the illustration for poems’s collection titled A Cold Touch of Lost Morning, by the author Roman Gorol. The drawing is in A4 format, on paper.  The poem’s collection was published in 2016 by the State Research Library in Presov. Martin Kaleja-Januv (1984-) was…

The End

The drawing is the illustration of the poem named The End,  for poems’s collection with the same title, by the author Roman Gorol. The drawing is in A4 format, on hard paper. The poem’s collection was published in 2016 by the State Research Library in Presov. Martin Kaleja-Januv (1984-) was born in the Romani settlement…

A Cold Touch of Lost Morning

The drawing named A Cold Touch of Lost Morning was produced as the illustration for poems’s collection with the same title, by the author Roman Gorol. The drawing in A4 format, on paper, was used as front picture on the cover of the poem’s collection published in 2016 by the State Research Library in Presov.…

Kmeťoband – speaking

Kmeťoband – Igor Kmeťo, senior and Igor Kmeťo, junior. Since 1999, the group of father and son has been called Kmeťoband. In its current composition, the group has been playing together since 2000. The principal founders of the group are IGOR KMEŤO, sr. and IGOR KMEŤO, jr. IGOR KMEŤO senior is also a manager of…