Newly Dress Romathan The 65th premiere of Romathan Theatre was marked as in “a new dress”. Musical and dance performance was linked with a traditional Romani psalms and dances, which are the carriers of a deep idea of Romani inner feelings and felowship and which bring the audience to the world of Roma (music, dance, singing). The…

Rozvíjame komunity Dňa 21.10.2015 sa v Bratislave uskutočnila konferencia s názvom Áno, dá sa to!, ktorá bola zameraná na prezentovanie príkladov dobrej praxe riešenia spoločenských tém z realizovaných projektov podporených z Blokového grantu pre MVO a podporu partnerstiev švajčiarsko – slovenskej spolupráce. Jedným z podporených projektov bol projekt s názvom Rozvíjame komunity, ktorý realizovala organizácia Člověk v tísni,…

Two days with Tibor Oláh Tibor Oláh is an amateur artist, living and working in Plešivec village. He was born in Detva, as one of 8 siblings. He was brought to fine arts by his brother Dušan Oláh. His favourite theme is nature – landscapes and village settlements. His work is characterized by bold colours. He paints on canvas…

“Vilko in the Forest Kingdom” The Romathan Theatre presented musical fairy tale for preschool and younger school aged children, named Vilko in the Forest Kingdom. The goal of the performance is to show that a good is always needed in the world of humans. The story is placed in a forest, so the children can meet with the animals,…

Romathan – Romani men´s dance Csapash The 65th premiere of Romathan Theatre was performed in a music – dance way. The musical and dancing parts of the premiere performance were alternated in symbiosis. The preview offers the chapash dance of the dance ensemble of Romathan. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 01. 12. 2014

Romathan – Adagio The Romathan Theatre with its 65th premiere of the music – dance show, called Romathan in the new dress, offers the various performance of the dance and music character. One of the program components is also a song Adagio, presented by Ondrej Ferko. copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov recorded: 01. 12. 2014

Rosa Taikon

Jozef Fečo is an amateur graphic artist who graduated at the Secondary Art School in Prešov. He studied wood design and carving. In 2011, he actively started to create his own works with his first work being the painting of Jesus on canvas. A series of ten fine art portraits of world famous personalities was…

Esma Redžepova

Jozef Fečo is an amateur graphic artist who graduated at the Secondary Art School in Prešov. He studied wood design and carving. In 2011, he actively started to create his own works with his first work being the painting of Jesus on canvas. A series of ten fine art portraits of world famous personalities was…